martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Time to breath...

Have you had an evil day? Would you like to disappear, to be alone for a moment and to forget everything? There are times that the body asks you for a rest, a respite, overcoat with the current epoch of world crisis that leads his all to the madness due to the shortage of money, and me, like rest of Spanish people still has small to invest in some wonderful hotel with pools, Jacuzzis, trickles, … ummm only of thinking it ….!!!
The truth is that in all the islands we will find hotels with these characteristics and really luxury, or, very well prepared and equipped. Though I like more another type of relaxation, without many people and calm, from almost any point of the Canary geography, we have a marvel of dawns and late afternoons (sunsets)that they make you feel as if nothing existed around you, only you feel an intense interior peace. From any mount in the distant altitude of his hills, up to the beach they are my perfect places to enjoy, because there are practically clear beaches, with few people around you, where you can take delight simply with what is happening in front of your eyes. An example of these days I leave it you down, so, to take a couple of minutes of relaxation and to forget all your problems. If, in addition, you can enjoy it in company it will be a delight that you will be late time in forgetting. Enjoy!!

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Efect Foehn

The effect knowed as Foehn is basically the difficulty of the air flows that, on having hit with a zone of relief, as mountains, chains or another obstacle, tries to avoid them, on one hand it surrounds the abrupción, but for other one sees in the obligation to ascend originating, hereby, the process of condensation or sublimation known. It is curious enough the contrasts which it offer us, since the step can manage to be completely opposite across of the obstacle, can be that in the slope of windward it rains, since it is the one that more is exposed to the winds, and that in that of lee, very on the contrary, it is a day of the Sun and completely clear, with minor dampness, on having been more protected.
All this is quite surprising, since the air that descends from the mountains is of dry and hot nature, unlike what generally we are in the habit of thinking on having seen the mountains with very low, and even covered with snow temperatures.
 For example in islands as Tenerife, there is a great difference of colors (green humid (north) part, yellowish drier (south) part), owed principally to the effect Foehn, which does that in a few kilometres there are climatic such significant differences.

In the Islands there are many microclimates, depending the zone in which we are, and even inside the own Islands. The predominant wind they are the trade winds, which come always from the north, giving by the Anticyclone of the Azores, for what on having come to Canaries it comes loaded from the water steam that he is gathering in his way and meeting the high beaks and mountains of Canaries, (Example: Teide, 3.718m), for what in islands as Tenerife, it is the north zone the suitable one for all kinds of vegetation due to such a big dampness of these winds.
In the flattest islands the effect is not obvious so much since there are no big mountains to which be necessary to draw lots, on the other hand takes place very much in the rest of Islands.
 It is very curious the sea of clouds that is in the habit of placing about the mountains, in which in many places you can be in some higher mountain, from which it seems that you are in the sky.

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Typical animals in Canary Islands

In these so lucky islands we are going to find a great variety of animals, overcoat animals of countries or farms, which will be the delight of any child, (and not so children also), because in the epoch of new technologies in which we are, there are many those who have never seen animals so simple as a hen or a pig. I´m doing a summary of the animals that you will to see, if you are a good lover of animals, on having visited Canaries.

Pastor garafiano: Recognized as native breed dog, of a town in north  called Garafía in “La Palma(hence its name). This is a herding dog, to gather the cattle, but today is also part of the homes of many people, due to their gentle, docile and friendly to everyone. It tries to preserve the nature of this type of dogs, not crossing it with other races, but they are quite abundant in the islands. There is another race classified as indigenous, the Presa Canario, large animal, black, tinted brown, originally related to Gran Canaria

Graja: barbarus Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax scientific name, bird endemic to the island ofLa Palma, but can also be found on nearby islands such as Tenerife, La Gomera, or even El Hierro. Usually inhabit the highest peaks of the mountains, especially in volcanic environments. Its main features are the bright color of its legs and beak. Is somewhat unusual to see them, since they often fly alone and by the rough places.

Hens (kikeres): Due to the legalization of cockfighting, is very common breeding these animals in the Canaries. There are a variety and branching in terms of races, but I like to point out the chicken "or kikara Kiker, which can be found in almost all the islands today. This species apart from being very good for fights, is also the most protective mother with her chicks. Be very careful with them because they tend to attack.

Sheep from La Palma: Light brown, and with a quite different type of wool from a sheep to the common, is one of the largest producers of sheep's milk from the Canary Islands, this being a high quality, mainly due to healthy food by the Islander pastures. In addition, on the island of La Palma, we found the "sheep palm" in serious danger of extinction.

Black Pig: Breed of pig with an accelerated expansion, since it is increasingly appreciated the taste of meat. Although its beginning was on the island of La Palma, and is found in any of the Islands, and several years ago there were many citizens who raised one for consumption. Many of the Councils and Island Councils seeking to preserve the species (legally recognized), through various partnerships. It was supposedly brought from Africa for over 2,500 years.

Woolly rabbit:There are many types and breeds of rabbits, both for domestic use (pet), as for hunting, (high tradition of hunting on the islands).

Small pet, very similar to the guinea pig, which was also used for hunting.

Horse and camel as transport: Means of transport such as camel or horse: Some years ago it was common practice. Today is a hobby, or just a holiday recess. In Lanzarote, such as is typical camel ride, around the volcanoes.

White blind crab: Scientific name: Morlockia ondinae.Life in Lanzarote, unique in the world. In a lava tube, now renovated to be visited, called "Jameos"can be found much of this peculiar species.

Dove rabiche y turqué: Palomas features of the western part of the Islands. Seriously endangered by what they are carrying out different processes of recovery. They are very famous in choosing a peculiar habitat as a laurel forest.

White ferret: Animal used to hunt because their sharp teeth and very aggressive, but now begins to play a role within the household as a pet. This in particular is quite difficult to achieve, since very few are born with these features, red eyes, and skin and coat completely white.

Giant Lizard: From “El Hierro”. Almost nearly extinct, but thanks to the rescue and proliferation of the species in captivity has been able to begin recovery efforts. It can measure up to 60 cm. and yellowish brown. There is a kind very similar to that in La Gomera, recently discovered.
It would also have to mention the small amount of native insects that are in the Islands, such as caterpillars (La Palma).

Brand: In each of the islands is dominated by a representative species, as different brands have been marketed in each island to promote them, creating, for example shirts, bumper cars, etc.. with the logo. In Fuerteventura, the kid in Lanzarote: crab, Gran Canaria, Canary dog dam, La Palma, the rook, El Hierro, the giant lizard, Tenerife, a fish called chicharro.

Traditional celebrations to enjoying in FAMILY.

In the Canary Islands you will find differents celebrations to enjoying with your family or friends.

A traditional celebration are the Romerías in which the people is dresses in typical clothes, they sing traditional songs, and there are cars adorned wich offer typical food as "papas con mojo", "chicharrones" or canary wine.

Romería de Tegueste. Tenerife.

Romería de Los Dolores, Lanzarote.

Romería de La Virgen de Los Reyes. El Hierro.


In the island of La Palma there are a traditional celebration called LA BAJADA DE LA VIRGEN which is celebrated each 5 years in honor to the patron saint of the island, "La Virgen de Las Nieves". The celebrations are one month with different acts each day as “The Dance of The Dwarfs", "The Giants and Big-Heads", there are also sporting events, processions or fireworks displays. The most famous act is "The dance of The Dwarfs" because it is magic.

The Canary Islands are famous also for its carnival, one of the best of the world. You will enjoy of fantastic parades of disguises, concerts, parties in the street in the night or in the day. You will find performances for all publics in which the fantasy and imagination will be protagonists.

In La Palma island there is a particular festival called "Los Indianos" which represents the arrived of people who emigrated to Southamerica (Cuba) and they returned with money, dressing white clothes and  black assistants. They were throwing flour but now we throw talcs.


viernes, 21 de enero de 2011


There were once a few Canary friends who wanted to show to the world the luck of having born in the "lucky islands", because of it one day they decided to create this blog to gather the experiences lived in each of the islands, so together or alone, but always surrounded with the happiness and good character of the canaries. It isn't important the island where you borned to have good friends, and you can watch it in that the authors of this singular blog, are from Lanzarote, La Palma and Tenerife, though we are lucky because we have visited all the islands.
We hope that you'll like this blog and it help you decide to spend your money in a good holidays because the offer is wide. It is possible to enjoy experiences in beach and mountain in any epoch of the year due to our suitable climate, over 20 degrees generally. You will find also activities to develop in family, aquatic sports and hotels dedicated to the relaxing. The most of the activities already are adapted to persons by disability.





Carolina y Alba